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The things you can see only when you slow down The things you can see only when you slow down is a not just a book ,it is a mirror of our daily life and the wonderful thing is that it's a mirror with solutions.How magical is in't? Nowadays  We all are always busy with our life , trying desperately , working hard to gain our goal. I am not saying it's bad thing working hard for your goal is a must noble work in my prospective even god has granted his permission with this ,describing work is God in Bhagwat Geeta .Telling about this it is going to be a whole another long story .Back to our topic we should work hard as much as possible giving it our best shot like it's our last chance but in this journey of determination we have to enjoy the process to avoid depression,sadness, anxiety and believe me if you have started something enjoying to your heart's content then that work will no longer will be a burden for you.For this whole thing to happen we have to slow down , take a breath and relax because things we see when we slow down.  There is more to this in this book which will guide you for a better and peaceful life .It is described by a worldwide famous author Haemin Sunim who is a Korean budhist monk .He has shared some of his wisdom, experience in this book giving a secret to a peaceful life in 21th century.


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