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The untold story of Mahtma Gandhi

Elocution  on Mahtma Gandhi,my hero.                                                               Respected jury members,teacher's and my dear friends.Today we all are here gathered to celebrate the jayanti of a holy person who is not only a great laywer but also an influencer, freedom fighter and a worldwide reknowned brand ambassador of non violence.He is non other than Mohandas karam Chand Gandhi ,the father of our nation.First of all I would like to focus on the life of our loving Gandhiji.Bapuji was born on 2nd October,1869 in a small village named Porbander in Gujarat.His father's name was karam Chand Gandhi and mother's name is putulibai.He got married to kasturaba Gandhi in 1883.At the age of 22 ,he went to London to study law,where his strong belief in law and equal justice began.After coming back from England ,he went to Africa for the re-search of his work .In those days there was a huge demand of Indian lawyers in South Africa.There he got the work.Gandhiji spent around 20 years of his life period there.During those days  racism was coming in South Africa , unfortunately he became also one of the victim of racism.He was thrown out of the running train even after getting a valid ticket in the first class reservation .This act badly affect his soul and he started to oppose social evil of racism .It was in southern Africa where he began to strongly believe in non violence .                                               He returned to India in 1995.After his return he met Gopal Krishna Gokhale and discussed about the movement of Indian freedom struggle .He included him self in the Indian national Congress and raised his voice against the British rulling in India .                                         Gandhiji's main desire to get India's independence and fronm Britain and he would do most anything to achieve that Gandhiji knew that many Indians had the same wish and he tried to encourage them to use non violence because he believed that "acts of non violence against the British only provoked a negative reaction . Gandhiji began to think of ways for his voice to be heard ,but not to hurt anyone .Gandhi immediately had followers that joined him in his passive protest He started non co-operation movement in 1920 in which Indians were asked not to co- operate in activities of Brit ish . Gandhiji's protest didn't always go as planned he was imprisoned on numerous occasions.One of the Mo St famous protest was the Dandi March on March 21.Gandhiji and 1000s of Indians marched 400kms to produce their own salt.This was a major statement because any money spent on salt that was bought in India went to Britain.After his March,1000s of people were jailed but we're we're freed when Gandhiji and Lord Irwin negotiated a deal.In the years 1992,1930,1933,1942 Gandhiji spent time in jail.Just because Gandhiji was in jail that didn't mean he would stop fighting for his rights.Anytime Gandhi heard about violence ,he would stop fighting for his rights.Anytime Gandhi heard about violence ,he would go on a hunger strike until it stopped.                                                                        He started "quite India movement"through which he sent a message to the rulling British that leave our country .All these  movement s made British East India company on their back foot . Finally India got his freedom on 15th August ,1947.                                                               Immediately after that ,Gandhiji began to voice his next thought , which was that  Muslims and Hindus were equal in society ."he realised that religious issues of  India too deep for any remedy to work . Gandhiji knew that how hard it would be to convince people that everyone is equal.He would work on that until day he died .                                                     It is easy to see a hero in Gandhiji but not everyone did ,many infact disagreed with his ways of life .On January 30th ,1948, Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated on his way to evening prayers. The man who killed Gandhi shot him because he disagreed with Gandhiji's belief that everyone in the world is equal ,no matter what their religion is .For Gandhi to think and to voice his opinion on equality and religion was courageous at the time . Even after  Gandhiji's death in 1948 ,he was still influencing people .People around the world were still supporting his belief s in non violent ways.One of the most famous protest was in the 1950s and 1960s by Martin Luther King Jr.These 2 men share a lot in common , including their dreams.                                                                Arun Gandhi ,former American -socio-political activist and 5th grandson of Gandhiji "Both shared the same dream that people would live in peace and harmony without looking at eachother's differences".Gandhiji is no dout a heroic figure in my mind and also made a huge mark in history .he changed India'S History without harming a single person.He had amazing will power considering he went on several hunger strikes just get violence to Stop.He dedicated his entire life to the hope that one day people could live in a more peaceful world .Gandhiji would be surprised at how much of a mark he really made on the world today.People all over the world are beginning to understand the importance of non violence protest and that a voice can still be heard withOut violence.


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